DAY 11- Lower Body Tone with Amy
If you want to really feel the tone this class is for you. The optimal mix of lower body exercises to strengthen and tone. Smart sequencing be prepared to see the class fly by. Stack it as a double if you want to feel that lower body tone a tad more.
Up Next in Strength
Upper Body Tone with Amy
If you want to really feel the tone this class is for you. The optimal mix of upper body exercises to strengthen and tone. Throughout the whole upper body. Be prepared to see the class fly by. Stack it as a double if you want to feel that upper body tone a tad more.
Lunchtime Express - Strength Set with...
Lunge into your living room for a lunchtime express, strength set! Build functional strength in this intelligent muscle sculpting workout. Utilising dumbbells to maximise muscle engagement, this full body strength set focuses on the most requested target areas: arms, glutes and core.
Lower Body Burn with Jill
This class is the ultimate strength builder. Focusing from the core down you'll see a variety of exercises really strengthening the core, glutes, and legs. Longer in class length this class is sure to give you those inner muscle burns and leave you feeling like you've worked super hard.